Unica omage
During this autumn i finally found a font i have been in love with for a while, the NEUE HAAS UNICA (and its stepbrother Unica77). Since both of these typfaces is very much the same i decided to create a omage to both of them, mixing their names and creating a typeface sample. It's heavily inspired by the clean and minimalistic look of the typefaces, and with the use of only black and white creates a big contrast.

Unica is a hybrid between Univers and Helvetica, hence the name, launched in the 1980's it started it's life as phototypsetting typeface. Because of the rise of software and computers the phototypesetting technique soon disappeared, along with it's typfaces. 

Monotype decided to revive the forgotten typface and make i available for todays designers. They created the Neue Haas Unica, along side this two of the original members of Team '77 used the original drawings to recreated the typface. This other typeface is called Unica 77.
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